Wednesday, May 16, 2007

God Bless America!!

Well, I made it home late last night (early this morning) after almost 23 hours of traveling. That trip really stinks! And to top it off I found out about the fingerprints when I got home (see yesterday's post). I made a couple phone calls today and sent an email to the USCIS office in Charlotte, but haven't gotten a response yet. The thought of driving 3 hours to Charlotte is not appealing to me, but I don't know that I have a choice. It's not like I had my hands amputated and replaced with others that would have different fingerprints. I can understand them running another check to update the status, but the need for new prints baffles me.

Nic was very excited this morning when he realized that I was really home and he was not just dreaming when I went in to see him last night. However, we are only 13 hours in and he already isn't listening! It's good to be home! (ha, ha) Primo Jr. has been updating me on things that have gone on at school and I think he's pretty happy to have mom home too. He even told me tonight that he loves me....a belated Mother's Day gift!! :)

Today was mostly a "recovery" day, but I will have to get caught up on things that need my attention (like the stack of mail). This weekend I am planning to be in Greensboro with Primo Jr. at the State Cup Finals.

That's the update from this side of the ocean. Primo is on the bus back to Berdyansk and will probably post once he gets back. Thanks to you all for your kind words of support, prayers and help at home while I was gone!



Sissy said...

WELCOME HOME!!! Glad you had uneventful travel. I know the finger print thing is a real annoyance, but you'll get it worked out. Too bad you didn't know, you could probably have done it while you were at the embassy in Kiev. Get caught up on your sleep and back into the routine. We will talk ya.

Mom said...

Good Morning, Sharon WELCOME HOME!!! I will be calling you but wanted to let you get your feet on the ground first. I'm sure there is a lot of catching up to do. Love and God Bless You All!!

Unknown said...

So glad you made it home Sharon! I'll keep praying for you guys. Christy