Thursday, May 17, 2007


Well I'm back in Berdyansk! From 4 pm Tuesday to 7 am Thursday, I've been on the road. I was on a bus 28 of the total 39 hours I was out of town. It's cheap, but very very (did I mention very?) long. The last real meal I had was on Tuesday morning and this morning's breakfast I only kinda remember since it was gone just as soon as the plate hit the table.

So today is gonna be boring compared to the last two. I'll go visit the girls today around 2 pm. My mind is close to mush, so I'll need to catch up on the sleep I missed.


Sissy said...

Were there chickens on the bus?? Just kidding.... You haven't mentioned what your travel expectations are back to the States. If I count right, you probably could travel as soon as next Tuesday. Did you ever meet Natasha's brother?? Ok, I'm done with 20 ya.

Mom said...

Although tired it is nice to know you made the trip okay. You know, Primo, they say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Enjoy your visit with the girls today.
Love and God Bless!!

Unknown said...

Hope I never have to make those kind of travel arrangements. Sounds like you need a personal travel agent. Hope you're having a great time with the girls. God Bless, Christy

Anonymous said...

I was googling names from the past and found your page. Glad to see your doing well. Shelly(Lesczynski)(who went to school with Sharon) and I just hit the 20 year mark. Nick is 16 this week and Chrissy 12. Drop me a line when ya read this. My page is email is
Take care,
Mike Episcopo