Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Defying all logic....Ukraine

It's completely beyond our comprehension how this place works. It does make one appreciate what he has. Couples that submitted their paperwork to the SDA one day prior to ours got their approvals and have gone to court. One couple that submitted on the same day as we did got a miracle Tuesday approval and court on the same day. We are left hoping for approval from the SDA on Thursday. What's the reason for all this? None. From what we can tell it just depends on how they feel that day. The few extra days wouldn't have been an issue if it were applied across the board and if we hadn't booked round trip tickets, which by the way I'd advised against doing. Our facilitator has now gotten reservations for all of us on KLM flights (Northwest) at a nice $824 a seat. So they great Delta tickets end up being an expensive one-way ticket.

We went to the orphanage this afternoon and played volleyball with the kids and then watched a basketball game. Tomorrow we're taking the girls to a zoo here in town after that I'm not sure what we'll be doing.


Sissy said...

So sorry for your distress!! I can probably only begin to relate to your frustration. You know me....the patient one. Is there some way you can "save" the other half of your Delta ticket and use it for something else?? Just trying to work it!! Hang in there...love you.

ed said...

bah, that stinks. Hopefully its just a few days and some airfare; not the end of the world.

Hopefully you can get some Delta credit even if its just a percentage.

thanks for posting the pics in the previous posts! Sounds like the time with the kids is going great, even if the paperwork isn't.

-Sharon's friend Ed

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about all the delays and extra expense!

Hopefully that will be the end of the delays and you can move on to bringing your family home! I know we all look forward to meeting everyone!

You all continue to stay in our prayers for a speedy and safe return home!

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. You know...it is so worth it. :-)

Keeping you in prayer. Specifically, at 6 am mornings on my new hour commute to RTP. 1 pm your time I think.

Hang in there.

Unknown said...

God's got a plan and a reason. We'll find out soon enough. I'll keep the prayers comin'. love ya, christy